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Christopher Drake

Mystery, The Bleater, Drake.


March 27, 1982

South-Western Ontario, Canada


Via my msg board: Bleater's Circle.

Is an -aweful- sketch I did of me.

I am a mild-mannered, bio-organic replica of a human being circa 1490's, only built like Goliath. I am from Canada, as is stated above and I have lived here my entire life. I am half-american due to half-n-half parentage (2 milk, 4 sugar) and grew up in a city that is on the back of the Canadian fifty-dollar bill (the red one).

I am yes, new to cartooning and I much prefered smudging pencil like one of my favourite cartoons "The Chopping Block", but right now I don't have the means or time to put into it. So at this moment, I am settling with a black sharpy, some blank paper and a paint program. Graphics work online is my passion, and I much prefer to edit a photograph than draw. But this is a challenge my fiance suggested I try. I do things when I know I probably can't, to try to beat the odds. Lets see how long this comic survives, and if I get any better. That is my mission statement for this site, and all future art to come out of it. To know.. you have to first try.

Oh, and I am exceptionally fond of riddles. If you have any, post them on the message board in the riddle area. Perhaps you'll even find the riddles embedded into the storylines of this comic once it has -really- begun. Profound or idiotic, even I won't quite know until the end...

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