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The Leader: Known by no other name, this elusive and sharp minded sheep is the ring leader of the entire "herd". He is the shepherd in woolen overcoverings. He leads the others on their never ending quest for more grass, more power, and more control over the world grass commodities market.

Aries, Enforcer: This sheep comes from far across the regions of the world. He has been a revolutionary in Australia, fighting with guerilla tactics against the shearing hoards of humanity, and he has been known for an eco-terrorist incident in the Indonesian mountains in which he butt'd a human.. off of a cliff.

Joey: "Oh great Staff, I beseach you, lay upon me your wisdom so that I might combat the efforts of humanity to ruin the world... ohhhmmm... ohhhmmm... *clunk* it's.. it's so clear! I see what we must do!.. White, blinding hot pain in their heads!..." - Joey, the Prophet.

Meat: The brute sheep, not a ram, not that impatient or vivacious in attitude. He likes to help out around the cult, does handyman work, snacks on anything not nailed down and is often found drawing child-like pictures. He is the pride of the cult in that regard, he can read, write and *gasps* draw! The sensitive one.

Leo: Best known for... bad puns, attempts at sudden godly power, and trying to will his problems out of existence. A smartass comic relief sheep unlike any other. He is lazy, is often burned on some garden herb he likes to chew, and can be most often found scoping out the breeders.

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